Aircon 7 is utilized for the manufacture of mortar and concrete with high resistance to freezing/thawing and de-icing salts. Even under difficult conditions such as e.g. in concrete road construction, the desired air pore content is securely achieved.
Product Description
Field of Application
▪ Concrete road construction and bridge construction
▪ Road surfacing concrete
▪ Cap concrete
▪ Ready-mixed concrete with long travelling distances
▪ Air-entrained concrete in conjunction with plasticizers and super plasticizers
▪ Mixtures with low content of ultra-fines to improve workability
▪ Screeds
▪ Ready-mixed mortar
Product Details
Product identity
Composition: Synthetic surfactants
Appearance: Liquid
Colour: Brown
Density: 1 kg/Lt at +20°C
Equivalent sodium oxide: ≤ 0.5%
Total chloride ion content: ≤ 0.10 %
pH-Value: approx. 7
Aircon 7 is supplied in:
– 1 kg plastic can
– 5 kg plastic can
– 10 kg plastic can
– 1000 kg plastic can
Application Procedure
Aircon 7 is either added simultaneously with the water of the concrete mix or as the last addition and should be at least 60 seconds.