Beto AES 28 is a filling and compaction aid which has been designed to eliminate the stickiness of semi-dry concretes at elevated water-cement-ratios. The resulting granular concrete leads to an even mold filling and less quality fluctuations while ensuring the targeted concrete compaction.
Product Description
Field of Application
▪ Concrete Pavers
▪ Masonry Blocks
▪ Roof Tiles
▪ Kerbstones
▪ Landscaping elements
Product Details
Product identity
Composition: Surfactants
Appearance: Liquid
Colour: Light yellow
Density: 1.05 kg/Lt at +20°C
Equivalent sodium oxide: ≤ 0.5%
Total Chloride Ion Content: ≤ 0,10 %
pH-Value: approx. 7
Beto AES 28 is supplied in:
– 1 kg plastic can
– 5 kg plastic can
– 10 kg plastic can
– 1000 kg plastic can
Application Procedure
Beto AES 28 is either added simultaneously with the water of the concrete mix or as the last addition and should be at least 60 seconds. Beto AES 28 may be combined with many other products and is compatible with all types of cements and cementitious materials.