Betocure Plus

Curing admixture with the ability to reduce hydraulic shrinkage and the formation of microcracks

Product Description

Betocure Plus is a special, chloride-free liquid admixture to reduce final hygrometric shrinkage of mortar, ordinary and self-compacting concrete, to make them less prone to cracking problems. Betocure Plus works by reducing the surface stresses of the water present in the capillary pores and as a result, the forces which act upon the walls of the pores is greatly reduced.

Field of Application

· floor joists and motorway viaduct piers;

· industrial floors;

· multi-storey car parks;

· hydraulic works, such as canals, overflow channels, tanks, etc.;

· prefabricated concrete elements such as cupolas, beams, pillars, buffer panels, etc.;

· lining road and railway tunnels.

Product Details

Product identity

Appearance: Liquid
Colour: Transparent
Density: 1.05 kg/Lt at +20°C
Equivalent sodium oxide: ≤ 0.5%
Total chloride ion content: ≤ 0.10 %


Betocure Plus is supplied in:
– 1 kg plastic can
– 5 kg plastic can
– 10 kg plastic can
– 1000 kg plastic can

Application Procedure

Betocure Plus is either added simultaneously with the water. Betocure Plus may be combined with many other products and is compatible with all types of cements and cementitious materials.