Betofluid S45 P is a high-performance superplasticizer and water reducer in powder form, based on polycarboxylate (PCE) polymer technology.
Product Description
Field of Application
· Ready-mixed concrete for watertight structures: purification plants, reservoirs, canals, tunnels, etc;
· Ready-mixed concrete for structures in reinforced and pre-stressed concrete exposed to aggressive agents: beams, columns, bridge-decks and viaducts;
· Ready-mixed quality concrete for structures with R higher than 25 MPa;
· Mass pours where it is necessary to reduce thermal stresses caused by the heat generated in cement hydration: dams, foundation-mats for high-rise buildings, etc.
Product Details
Product identity
Composition: Modified polycarboxylates
Appearance: Liquid
Colour: Brown
Density: 1.05 kg/Lt at +20°C
Equivalent sodium oxide: ≤ 0.5%
Total Chloride Ion Content: ≤ 0,10 %
pH-Value: approx. 4
Betofluid S45 is supplied in:
– 1 kg plastic can
– 5 kg plastic can
– 10 kg plastic can
– 1000 kg plastic can
Application Procedure
Betofluid S45 is either added simultaneously with the water of the concrete mix. Betofluid S45 may be combined with many other products and is compatible with all types of cements and cementitious materials.