Product Description

Betoform W18 is a ready to use, solvent and mineral oil free concrete release agent. It is an emulsion, based on biological degradable vegetal oil.

Field of Application

▪ Smooth non-absorbent formwork

▪ Absorbent formwork

▪ Heated formwork

▪ Textured formwork

Product Details

Product identity

Composition: Oil
Appearance: Liquid
Colour: White
Density: 0.85 kg/Lt at +20°C


Betoform W18 is supplied in:
– 1 kg plastic can
– 5 kg plastic can
– 10 kg plastic can
– 1000 kg plastic can


- Wooden formwork ~120–130 m2/L
- Metal or plastic formwork ~140–150 m2/L
Consumption depends on the absorbency, surface porosity, roughness, surface profile, variations in level or wastage etc.

Application Procedure

Surface preparation

All surfaces to be coated must be clean and free from dirt, dust, grease and any remaining concrete or grout residue. Steel formwork must be dry. Used formwork must be cleaned before.


Ensure full mixing before applying. Apply a single, uniform and continuous thin layer on the full area of dry or damp formwork using a brush, roller or spray equipment. For architectural aesthetic concrete finishes, consumption may need to be adjusted. A preliminary trial must be carried out before full application in all situations.