Product Description

Betoseal W30 is an hydrophobic, water repellent liquid admixture for cementitious mixtures that significantly reduces the absorption of water in hardened concrete and prevents efflorescences.

Field of Application

Betoseal W30 is particularly suitable for applications where concrete with a high water repellent effect is required, but only in conditions in which there is little or no hydrostatic pressure. Use Betoseal W30 to prepare concrete with a low rate of water absorption and to prevent the outcrop of efflorescence stains. Betoseal W30 is especially recommended as an integral hydrophobic waterproofing for semi-dry concrete such as concrete blocks, sump pits, kerbstones, pavers, etc.

Product Details

Product identity

Appearance: Liquid
Colour: White
Density: 1.05 kg/Lt at +20°C
Equivalent sodium oxide: ≤ 0.5%
Total chloride ion content: ≤ 0.10 %
pH-Value: approx. 4


Betoseal W30 is supplied in:
– 1 kg plastic can
– 5 kg plastic can
– 10 kg plastic can
– 1000 kg plastic can

Application Procedure

Betoseal W30 is either added simultaneously with the water. Betoseal W30 may be combined with many other products and is compatible with all types of cements and cementitious materials.