Product Description

CF W3 is two-component epoxy resin based products with selected fine graded aggregates and special additives. After mixing component A with hardener component B, they become a thixotropic paste, easy to apply both on vertical surfaces and on soffits. CF W3 harden without shrinkage, becoming extremely tacky and mechanically strong. CF W3 respond to the principles defined in EN 1504-9 “Products and systems for protecting and repairing concrete structure and the minimum requirements for EN 1504-4 “Structural bonding”.

Field of Application

• Leveling concrete, reinforced concrete or masonry surfaces before applying MapeWrap fabrics

Product Details

Product identity

component A: thick paste
component B: thick paste
component A: white
component B: beige
Density (Kg/Lt):
component A: 1.6
component B: 1.6
Dry solids content (%):
component A: 100
component B: 100
Brookfield viscosity (mPa•s):
component A: 800,000 (# F - 5 rpm)
component B: 650,000 (# F - 5 rpm)


CF W3 is supplied in 5 and 15Kg plastic bucket A+B.


Approximately 1.55-1.65 kg/m² per mm of thickness

Application Procedure

Preparation of the support

Treat the substrate with Epo Primer ST before applying CF W3.

Preparing the product

The two parts of CF W3 must be mixed together. Pour part B grey into part A White and mix at a Fast speed with a drill fixed with an agitator until a uniform paste is obtained (a uniform grey). The product is already pre-dosed. To avoid incomplete hardening of CF W3, do not use partial quantities. When partial quantities are necessary, use a precision electronic scale. The mixing ratio is:
• 1 parts by weight of component A;
• 1 part by weight of component B.

Applying the product

CF W3 can be applied on concrete, stone, brick or metal with a flat trowel after the substrate has been primed with Epo Primer ST. In order to obtain good leveling, it is recommended to let the product penetrate well into particularly uneven areas. Apply, with a notched trowel, approximately a 1 mm layer of CF W3, depending on the temperature, over the still fresh Epo Primer ST. Use a flat trowel to completely level even the most uneven parts of the surface. Use the same product to fill and round the corners in order to create a profile with a bending radius not less than 2 cm. CF W3 must be applied within their pot-life, therefore timing is vital in order to use the whole pack within the given time. The CF W 200 fabrics must be applied over the still fresh CF W3.