Product Description

Epo Primer S is a two-component solvent base epoxy resin primer solution that penetrates deeply into the substrate. When the solvent evaporates and the resins reticulate and the surface of the substrate becomes more solid, harder and resistant to abrasion.

Field of Application

· It is used as a consolidating compound for mechanically-weak cementitious substrates.

· It is used as an isolating primer for anhydrite or gypsum screeds.

· It is used as a waterproofing compound for porous surfaces.

· It is used as a consolidating dust-repellent impregnating solution for industrial concrete floors.

· It is used as a waterproof barrier over screeds, to prevent residual moisture from rising.

Product Details

Product identity

Consistency Comp. A: liquid
Consistency Comp. B: liquid
Color Comp. A: Transparent
Color Comp. B: Transparent
Density Comp. A (kg/m³): 1050
Density Comp. B (kg/m³): 900
Viscosity (mPa.s): 300
Dry solids content Comp. A(%): 30
Dry solids content Comp. B(%): 20
Mixing Ratio: 1 part A :1 part B
Pot life: 4 hours
Application temperature: +5°C to +35°C


Epo Primer S is supplied in:
– 1 kg plastic can
– 5 kg plastic can
– 10 kg plastic can


The consumption of EPO PRIMER S depends on the absorption and porosity of the substrate. Typical consumption is between 400 and 600 gr/m².

Application Procedure

Preparation of substrate

The substrate should be dry, clean, and free from grease, oils, residual paint, and other loose material. In each case, the manufacturer’s recommendations for gypsum-plaster must be followed, particularly as far as moisture content and level of surface finishing are concerned. Cracks in concrete surfaces must be repaired with Epoinject. Anhydrite surfaces must be sandpapered.

Preparing the product

Mix the two components carefully: one part by weight of part A with one part by weight of part B. Mix as much as can be used within 4 to 5 hours.

Applying the product

As a primer: impregnate the surface evenly with a brush or roller without allowing pools of excess product to form. Wait for the solvent to evaporate completely before proceeding.
· As a waterproofing: apply in several coats with a brush or roller in order to close the surface pores completely. Wait for the solvent to dry between coats.
· As a consolidating compound: apply as many coats as needed with a sprinkler, brush, or roller, to the point of saturation. Where not completely absorbed, sprinkle dry sand on the excess primer while still wet. Wait for the solvent to dry between coats before proceeding. Excess accumulations of primer which form a shiny, hard film must be mechanically removed before proceeding.