Intonaco EB5

One-component, cement-free, salt-resistant, dehumidifying eco-render made from pure natural hydraulic lime, with recycled materials for restoring old masonry with rising damp, including masonry of buildings of historical interest

Product Description

Intonaco EB5 is a wall coating made from pure hydrated lime, hydraulic binder, marble powder, superior graded sand, water repellent material and plant-based additives to improve workability and adhesion. The special formulation and the nature of the raw materials used make the wall perfectly breathable

Field of Application

• Restoring brick, stone, tuff and mixed masonry of recent builds and buildings of historical and architectural interest damaged by capillary rising damp.

• Smoothing and leveling layers with a natural finish on lime-based render deteriorated by atmospheric agents, surrounding environmental conditions or ageing.

• Restoring masonry damaged by the crumbling effect of sulphates, chlorides and nitrates.

• Internal and/or external macro-porous, de-humidifying render on masonry, including recent builds, with capillary rising damp and saline efflorescence.

• New de-humidifying render or reintegrating old lime and natural hydraulic lime-based render on stone, brick, tuff, and mixed masonry.

• Dehumidifying renders for masonry in lagoon areas or close to the sea.

• Restoring damaged render on buildings built using low-performance mortar.

• Pointing “exposed finish” stone, brick, and tuff masonry.

Product Details

Product identity

Consistency: powder
Color: grey or white
Maximum size of aggregate (mm): 2
Bulk density (kg/m³): 1,200
Dry solids content (%): 100


Intonaco EB5 is supplied in:
– 25 kg paper bags


The consumption is approximately 1.5kg/m2 at 1 mm thickness.

Application Procedure

Preparation of the substrate

The surfaces to be smoothed and leveled must be clean, sound and free of dust and crumbling areas. It is also recommended to score the surface of new render with a metal-tipped tool to remove any surface laitance and make it easier for the smoothing and leveling mortar to adhere and prevent the formation of air bubbles. Wet the surface of the render before applying smoothing and leveling mortar.

Preparing the product

Using an agitator, pour a 25-kg bag of Intonaco EB5 into a receptacle containing 6.5-7.0 liters of water, mixing continuously at low speed until a homogeneous lump-free paste is obtained. Larger amounts can be prepared in a mortar mixer. Let the paste sit for a few minutes and then mix again briefly. The paste is then ready to apply. The mix is workable for at least 4 hours.

Applying the product

Apply the compound to a maximum of 3 mm thick with a flat metal trowel on the surface. Porous substrates, such as renders or concrete, must be dampened with water beforehand. The surface finishing can be carried out either with a flat metal trowel or with a sponge float several minutes after its application. During hot or windy weather, or in particularly hot areas, spray water on the surface of the smoothing compound when it starts to set and over the next few days when the mortar has completely hardened, to avoid quick drying and hygrometric shrinkage which may cause cracks to form. No particular precautions need to be taken at temperatures around +20°C. At high or low temperatures or with strong ventilation, the normal precautions for the use need to be taken. The product may only be used for decorating internal or external surfaces if they are partially covered and protected.