Smartech Plus is a fiber-reinforced elastomeric coating which, thanks to its high elasticity, including at low temperatures, has the capacity to follow and absorb small deformations in substrates. Also, the fibers contained in the product form an interwoven strengthening matrix, with the capacity to withstand deformations in the coating and to hide any hairline cracks in the finishing layer. Smartech Plus also contains acrylic resins, which give substrates high water repellence combined with good vapor permeability.
Product Description
Field of Application
• Decorating and protecting all types of cementitious and lime-based render.
• Decorating façades with hairline cracks, including façades with old paint.
• Decorating façades damaged by mold and algae, including façades with old paint.
• Protective coating for façades of risk by being damaged by mold and algae.
• Finishing coat for façades with external thermal insulation System.
Product Details
Product identity
Consistency: paste
Color: white
Density (g/cm³): approx. 1.70
Dry solids content by weight (%): approx. 80
Grain size: 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm and 1.5 mm
Smartech Plus is supplied in:
– 25 kg plastic buckets
Consumption is affected by the roughness of the substrate and the grain size of the product.
Consumption is around 2-2.5 kg/m².
Application Procedure
Preparation of the substrate
New surfaces to be painted and areas patched up with repair mortar must be well-cured, perfectly clean, cohesive and dry. Remove all traces of oil and grease from the surface and any parts which are not well attached. Seal all cracks and repair deteriorated areas. Surfaces to be finished off with Smartech Plus must be treated prior to application, depending on the type of protection required. Treat with DCI Grip Primer to protect against the formation of mold and algae; use Primer ACR for all other cases. On substrates where the curing is uncertain, on chalking substrates and on substrates with low absorbency, use DCI Grip Primer. Remove all traces of existing algae, mold and fungi. Smartech Plus may be applied on concrete, skim coats over thermal insulation systems and on render if they have cracks less than 0.5 mm wide without having to seal the substrate beforehand.
Preparing the product
Smartech Plus is supplied ready-mixed and just needs to be blended with a drill at low-speed. If the product is too thick, add 1-2% of water
Applying the product
Apply Smartech Plus with a stainless steel or plastic spreader over the dry primer. It may also be applied by spray if suitable equipment is available. The protection cycle comprises the application of one coat of Smartech Plus: spread an even coat of product on the surface, and then go over the product with a plastic float to create an even finish to create the effect required. Depending on the particle size of the product and the roughness of the substrate, two coats may be required to form a perfectly even aesthetic effect.