It is ideal for bonding all types of thermal insulation panels to cementitious substrates. The product can be applied on insulation boards with reinforcing fiberglass mesh, forming an ideal substrate for the subsequent coat of render.
Product Description
Field of Application
• Bonding all types of thermal-insulating panels directly on render, masonry and concrete on walls and ceilings.
• Smoothing thermal-insulating panels with embedded fiberglass mesh on internal and external walls (thermal insulation system)
Product Details
Product identity
Consistency: powder
Color: white or grey
Bulk density (kg/m³): 1200
Dry solids content (%): 100
Maximum grain size: 0.4 mm
Classification: EN 998-1
T BOND 1100 is supplied in 25Kg paper bag.
For bonding insulating panels: 4-6 kg/m² according to the bonding technique used
Smoothing and levelling: 1.3-1.5 kg/m² per mm of thickness
Application Procedure
Preparation of the support
The support must be totally dried, mechanically hard, free of oils, grease, wax, paint, and lose particles. All substrates must not be subject to shrinkage after the installation. During the spring and summer period, renders must be cured for at least one week for every centimeter of thickness. Gypsum substrates or anhydrite renders must be perfectly dry (max. residual moisture 0.5%), sufficiently hard, and free of dust and before the application of T Bond 1100 the substrate must be treated with Primer CTA.
Preparing the product
T BOND 1100 must be mixed with clean water until obtaining a homogenous mixture. After 5-10 minutes of resting, the mix should be mixed again. After this, the product is ready to be used. The water demand to be used is approximately 25-27% of T BOND 1100 (equal to ca. 6.25 -6.75 liters of water). The mix, produced in this way, is workable for at least 2 hours.
Applying the product as adhesive
Apply T Bond 1100 directly on the back side of the thermal panels in an even layer using a 10 mm notched trowel if the substrate is flat, or in a series of dots and beads if the wall is uneven. Apply perimeter band plus additional dabs in the center of the panels.
Application as base coat
At least after 24 hours after the installation of the thermal panels depending in weather conditions, apply a layer of T Bond 1100 with a notched trowel on the panel surface and then embed alkali-resistant glass fiber glass mesh. The mesh must be pressed down with a smooth trowel once the product is still fresh. The overlap of the mesh must be at least 10 cm. After 12-24 hours, apply a second layer of T Bond 1100 to form a compact and stable surface suitable for the final coating.